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The candidates.

Hillary Clinton.
Hillary says she was broke coming out of the white house
This is someone who gets 400k a year from her husband being president.
If she couldn't handle personal spending of Bill Clinton how do you expect her to handle taxpayer spending?
Easy answer Raise taxes.

The email server
Most of us have a personal email account.  You use a client to receive your email. The server is what followed by the @account (@gmail @yahoo etc.)
Hillary decided to have her own server in the basement of her own home.  She received government correspondence thru her home data base.
I don't know the extension. What I am trying to say is all mail she gets will go thru that server.
She claims that the server been deleted. But do we really know for sure. Most people won’t delete or zero out the hard drive. It takes hours or even days
To delete all the data on the hard drive so it can’t be recovered. Also, most servers will backup data daily. Where the backup Hillary?

Now I wonder if the people that she corresponds with can use the data to blackmail her for special deals if she becomes dictator (president).
Is the data on the hard drive can be used to benefit her vs the American public?

This is the main reason to keep Hillary out of government.

The Democratic party.
Hillary is a Democrat.
The Democratic party is so corrupt. Look what happen to pour Bernie. The Democratic Party Have leverage.
They blackmail and possibly kill people.

 The Affordable Care Act received 39 votes against it in the Senate, all from Republicans.
 One senator abstained from a vote in the House, there were 212 votes against it, with 34 coming from the Democratic Party and 178 from the Republican Party, according to
There were enough votes in the Senate to prevent an attempt to filibuster the bill, while the House vote required a simple majority.

The question is how could something so bad pass to become law.

Even the Iran deal is bad.
Self-policing their own facility no surprise inspection.
Like leaving a kid in charge of a cookie jar and expect no cookies will be eaten

Donald Trump.
Trump an A-hole no question. He wants the job done and he wants the job done with quality. How many of you people deals with contractors only to get screwed in the end?
Trump won’t take that. Hillary will just pay them more than what it's worth. Do you think Trump will? Is the government still paying 500 for a hammer? Not under Trump watch.
I ask myself why does Trump want to be president. He is in it for you and he is in it for himself.
If the population doesn't have any money his core business (real estate) suffers. He once said he wanted to build quality, low income housing, but government regulation makes it unreasonable. He wants business to survive.  Hillary doesn't know how business works.
Vote Trump and Rebuild America.

Nick (me).
This blog is about the government treating every one as a individual. No special interest group. No special treatment. The more you contribute to society(government). The more you get at retirement age. It about treating everybody as a equal.

I would like to be the president. I would love to be poor and get a 400k a year income. This whole blog is about my plan.
Now it's too late for me to get on the ballot so I have to be a write in.  I found out only 10 state will allow write in. I guess that wont work.
The second choice is to find out who the is casting the electoral collage vote. It can work if  you share my blog and they take notice.
The third way and if the electoral collage follow the populate vote is to make sure the major candidate will not get the 270 electoral vote.
This means vote for any other candidate on the ballot.

If that happens the pick for president will revert to Congress.  So I have to get the 270 electoral or win congress approval. Now I don't believe that can happen. I do believe
Hillary and the Democratic party have already paid for the electoral vote. The election is rigged. I don't have a chance. You can give me your popular vote, but in the end I still lose.
Surprise me. Write Nick on your ballot and see if the electoral college give us what the people want.
I am also willing to work my plan if Trump is president. Face it, I am anti-social I don't want to do the meet and greets. I just want to do the job and get out.

Share my blog. See if you can get me elected.
Write your congress people see if they will implement my ideas.

This  blog started about curiosity.
On Nov 5 2008, Obama was elected President.
Obama is from Illinois
The Illinois state lottery pick 3 was 666. The mark of the devil.
I remember the post about obama being the devil. Now if obama or congress start implementing some of my ideas
Will the Illinois lottery be 999?(reverse the sign of the devil)
If i am elected your next president will it be 777. Jackpot for America.

Again share my blog change America
Write your congressman.

P.S. I know the grammar and syntax of my blog is bad. Blame the education system. I am more of a programmer, not a writer. I tend to write differently. I rushed this blog because I really wanted to get my views out. I also tried a few spell checker it didn't help.
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