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Welfare + Housing.
in conjunction with my medical card for identification
Everyone in the US get $10.00 a day on this card to buy food and $10.00 a month for clothing. Everyone can get housing around the size of a jail cell. With a shower, toilet and a hot plate.
Here's the catch. They allowed to run up their utility bill to a certain price.  After that we the people will find them a job and they must pay down the bill.
If they are disable they are job they can do.  They can be a security guard (a TSA agent) all the have to do is sit and watch people.  They can alert someone about a suspicious looking character. They can watch monitor don't most of them watch TV all day. Now this welfare plan will also help ex-con give them a place to live and eat they are less likely to be put back in jail.
What about batter spouses.  It gives them a chance to get away from abusive other and not have to worry about eating and sleeping.
We can also set up some family housing with daycare for parents.  There is a catch to people with children. They get to control their child 10.00 a day  food credit.  But they must make sure
the child gets the require nourishment.  If not, the child will be taken away and the mother and father will be neutered.

Social Security.
The way social security is now. We put earn money and get more out when we hit retirement age, it's bankrupting America if everyone is on welfare. I want to move it to the point system.
How much money have you given the tax man over the years?
This will determine the type of housing and benefit you get at age 65.

Minimum wage.
No minimum wage.
Yes, you heard me Let people decide Let the person decide what he will do the job for.
I already took out your housing and food bill under my welfare program. Whatever else you do is basically for your wants not what you need to survive.

Why 16.00 an hour bad for America.
Let’s say someone hires  to wash a car for 1 hour.
You get $16.00 at the end of the hour.
You work real hard to get that car done and the quality not that great.
The government is going to take 50% in taxes so you are really making 8.00

Now take 4 people pay them 4.00 an hour.
They should be able to finish the car in 15 min.
The quality will be better because each person will focus on their section of the car.
Each person will pay 50% in taxes so they be making 2.00.

It's equal out in taxes, but the quality suffers.

Now let’s look at the owner's/manufacture viewpoint

The cheaper the labor The higher his company profit.
The higher the company profit the more tax the government gets.

If a company can get a better deal on labor overseas would they not take it.
We have to match labor and make it feasible to produce the product here.

If the manufacture produces 1 tomato plant. It produces 3 tomatoes.
He can only sell it to people who have money. He has to sell it high enough
to at least cover his cost. If more people earn money, he has a bigger pool of buyers.
And can produce more to capture the lower income people.

What is hard for me to explain is higher min wage will produce higher prices.
Drop minimum wage and you will see lower prices on all good and services.

Maximum wage.
The minimum wage is not fair to the working class. I want to replace it with maximum wage.  You work hard so the top man in the company can make 10x that you make.
You make 30k a year he makes 300k. I want to limit that income he can’t make more than 5x or less the lowest man pays.  So if you make 30k a year he can make 150k a year.  
If you made 50k a year, he can make 250k. For his pay to increase  your pay must rise.

In my opinion, Obama is an Isis Sympathizer
He loves Isis. Think about it, he cuts the military and he doesn't call them by the right name.
When a guy doesn't call a female by her right name as a kid didn't that means he really like her.
Is that what Obama is doing?
Isn't that right Salami Gomez (Selina Gomez)? :)

Why are US citizen joining Isis? Could it be that they are offering more than we are offering them to join?
Would my offer of free housing and food be enough to stop our citizen from joining?
I know this will stop the homeless crisis in America and will probably lower the crime rate.

Sanctuary city.
Our leaders are idiots. Do you know what sanctuary city is? They are holding places for armies to strike out against us.
The game of Risk is based on world domination.
In it, I hold 1 country and slowly build my armies till I get enough troops
to take on the surrounding country.  That's what sanctuary cities sound like to me. They get the illegal the people that commented crimes against
America. They are safe to come out of the city do more killing and go back because they are in a safe zone. I could be wrong, but that's what it seems like.
The Trade Agreement.
I believe any country should be allowed to manufacture any product.
I have not read up on the TTP and may need to rely on the people to update me.
I also believe all food sources should be grown locally.

Climate Change
The Obama administration and possible Hillary will create unreasonable regulation on companies to combat climate change.
Their changes would end up shutting down the companies. Millions of people rely on the company to feed and support their family.
This really doesn’t matter much if my welfare program goes thru.  I heard their next attack is on airlines. The regulations they want will raise ticket price and make it harder for lower income workers to fly. I prefer the government work with the airlines and build high speed underground rail. It will take over 4 hrs. To fly from Chicago airport to Vegas airport. Is technology, smart enough to build an underground rail to cut commute time in half.   This would cut the emissions big time. Think about how much a freight train and airline produce in emission higher regulation won’t help.
Development of Hyperloop will?

Another idea is our cars.
All cars should have a GPS system installed. This GPS system will give you the fastest route to your destination and can tell you early if you must stop at the next light or if it safe to change lane.
This will make it safer to drive and promote driverless cars. Usually all the cars pile up at an intersection all the emissions is concentrated into one space. But with a proper GPS system you can hit your destination faster and the emission will be spread out.

Epa and Homes
The one I like the best is all these old homes are leaking energy. How about a government program to gut a house recycle the material and rebuild it?
The way I view it. A group of individual come into your home and move all your stuff to storage. The next few days they strip out all the drywall fixture electrical, plumbing and insulation. Whatever can be reused or recycle will be sent to a facility
to check if it's usable.  Now the home is stripped to its bare stud. Now a computer diagram can be made how to put back it back together with efficiency. Most of these older home has ductwork leakage or are placed wrong (no or improper return ducts).
The advantage to the homeowner is a lower heating cost, lower air cost, lower house insurance, better plumbing (old pipes rot), better electrical (wires get hot and become fragile). You can have the house wired for cable and internet.
I am imagining  3 cable connection per room one antenna and 2 for cable company flip a switch will get you the books you need for that TV. This program will work best with no minimum wage law.

Smaller Government.
A larger Government means more money out of taxpayer pocket. Someone has to pay for government service even if you don’t use it. That money comes from taxpayers.

My medical plan will get rid of Medicaid/Medicare
You get stuff for being a US citizen the rest can be picked up by insurance.
My welfare plan will eliminate Food stamps and unemployment after all your basic needs are stratified.
Will my welfare plan lower crime that remained to be seen?
Will legalize all drugs and putting the responsibility on the person lower crime, eliminate and reduce some government agency. I believe so.
Basically, my goal is to let people spend more of them earn money the way they want to. Not the way the government wants.

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